Spotlighting what's great about New Hampshire


Spotlighting the people,
places, businesses and
activities that make New
Hampshire such a great
place to live and visit!

:: About


New Hampshire Alive is a local television show dedicated to spotlighting the places, people and business that make New Hampshire such an exciting and fun state.  The show host, local business man Dave Ferruolo, is a former Navy SEAL, published author, freelance writer and avid outdoor enthusiast.

Each episode brings either New Hampshire natives or tourists to the area on a spontaneous escapade of excitement and adventure.   The show airs on local public access station LRPA-TV channel 25 provided by Metrocast.  Other statewide public access stations may also bicycle the show.  Check the local listings for show times in your area.

Dave conceived the show early in 2007 and has spotlighted exciting adventures such as winter hiking, skiing, scuba diving, snowshoeing and even went looking for a sunken snowmobile.  Upcoming episodes include; rock climbing, boating, kayaking, hiking and camping, kids day out, waterskiing and wakeboarding, skydiving, parasailing, fishing and many, many more.

NH Alive looks for sponsors and volunteers to help contribute and take part in the show.  If you’d like to join in on one of Dave’s adventures or would like to share an adventure of your own with NH Alive, please contact Dave Ferruolo by CLICKING HERE

NH Alive! airs on LPRA-TV Metrocast channel 25. Check your local listing for more detail, or call your local public access station and request they show NH Alive!.